Litters listed as most current in our nursery. Just Click on the name.
Lillix x Gamble BabyBear x Empire |
![]() Welcome to our nursery. We have decided to add this page so you can watch our newborns grow into available puppies. Not all puppies here in the nursery will be available. When they are available they will be listed on the AVAILABLE page. Please do not inquire about puppies in our nursery. Sometimes puppies do not survive or we are keeping them ect .. a lot goes into the puppy you get to take home as your new family member. When we have babies in our nursery .. this means we are up caring for them 24/7 for the first 3 weeks. Little to no sleep. And if there's a weak puppy or something wrong in the beginning that makes our job even harder ..a premature litter .. with no sleep trying to save premie or sick babies. It’s not always puppy kisses and laughter ... there’re many many sleepless nights , many tears holding babies that are still giving a fight to live .. and the total heartbreak when we have done everything possible ... still not enough. We are totally equipped here with incubator , oxygen, meds, tube feeding and vet on speed dial.